Study In USA

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    The United States has one of the world’s finest university systems, with outstanding programs in virtually all fields. At the undergraduate level, excellent programs exist in traditional disciplines, as well as in professional fields. At the graduate level, students have the opportunity to work directly with some of the finest minds in their field of study, with the chance to become involved with exclusive research and educational opportunities. U.S. degrees are recognized throughout the world for their excellence. Around 80% of the research all over the world is being conducted.

    USA Cost/Aid Facts

    The cost of the study per year (Tuition and fees, does not include living expenses) in USA varies from $5000 to $50000 (might be much more too for MBA/Medical or other programs) per year. The cost of living depends on the location. For example States like Washington, California and area around New York is costly. In general cost of living for students from countries like India, Bangladesh, China, Taiwan may vary from $6000 to $14000 (per year).It is assumed that students will live in shared apartments, live out of campus and have less telephone bills and other expenses are at bay. Most of all expenses can be met while working on on-campus jobs. The hourly pay for on-campus job varies from $5.15 to $15 per (sometimes it may be $20) hour. Foreign students can work for 20 hrs per week and 40 hrs per week during summer. Students may be allowed to work out of campus (internship) after nine months(2 semesters) of their arrival at USA. Students receiving any type of aid like TA/RA/Fellowship or GA need not have to worry about costs. Students not receiving any kind of aid must be prepared for tuition fees and living cost for initial 2-3 months (also please note : getting on-campus job might take some time.. earlier you come the better). Also note that in some universities like University of Missouri-Rolla and University of Texas Arlington there is huge shortage of P/T jobs. So students planning to go to these universities must either have Scholarships or adequate Funds. It’s better to contact current students via email for latest information. For many universities students can pay the fees of their last semester even after graduation.

    Some Universities grant tuition waiver after first semester (if performance in 1st semester is good). It is also possible that some other department may offer scholarship (Like you might be doing MBA but you might find a software job in Medical college and they might offer you scholarships).